E-visa Applications

E-visa Applications

If you are planning a trip overseas, whether for business or pleasure then you will probably need a visa especially if you intend to stay for an extended period. Sometime in the past when you required a visa, you had to visit the consulate or the embassy.

That visit would need weeks of applying, planning, and a lot of documentation. You did all this, and there was no guarantee that you would get the visa. But in recent times more countries are adopting electronic visas. There more than twenty four countries that use electronic visa travel authorization to give access their country, Australia have visa waiver program for some countries.

E-Visa Application provides solution to receive your travel visa in the best condition. That enables travelers to applicate online with our technology. Obtain your electronic visa last minute at the airport.

Travel agents, Tour operator Companies and Corporates can use E-Visa-application.com to process any travel e-visa. The best solution to save money and time for all travellers around the world. Simple, Secure and Accessible.

Let's read more about E-visa and how to apply

Electronic Visas: What is it?

The visa application can be complicated and time-consuming for travelers who are often in a hurry. To ease the process, many countries have adopted the electronic visa system. You ask for them on the Internet and all the steps to be taken are online, so is the payment. Applicants get their visa on their e-mail and only have to print it. Countries granting e-visas facilitate the process with their border control policies.

What documents are needed?

Before launching the online application, you should prepare the necessary documents in advance. Usually, required files must include a ID photo and a copy of the passport (you can take a JPEG format photo at home). To do so, you have to prepare a white background. Tie your hair if it is long and keep a neutral expression on your face. Try to avoid any shadows. To have a well-cropped photo, you can use software like Paintshop and Photofiltre. Retouching reflections and a regulation of contrasts is sometimes necessary. You can also brighten the picture. It must be resized to 350 x 350 pixels. A JPEG format is required.

You have to provide a copy of your passport in PDF format. You can directly scan both pages of the document with this format. If ever the copy of your passport is not legible, this may result in the refusal of your request. This precaution is adopted in order to ensure better border control. So be sure to provide a clear document. To do this, it is possible to scan the passport in JPEG format. Retouch the contrasts for a better reading of the informations. An insertion in Publisher or in Word and an enlargement can be useful. Save your passport copy and run the request.

Simplified online application: how to proceed?

An online form must be completed by the applicant. One application is for a single individual. If you then want electronic visas for the whole family, filling in the corresponding number of forms is mandatory. After completion of everything, you can download the required documents such as the photo and the copy of the passport. Online payment can be made by several bank cards. In special cases, you will have to add information. If you travel, for example, with children who are not yours, a letter of authorization will be required. For divorced parents, the regulation requires that the father or mother justify the legal custody of the child. Processing times vary from one country to another, as well as from one case to another. When the request is agreed, a confirmation email will be sent to you. Print the document and take it as a justification.

Destinations with electronic visas

The regulations are not the same for each country. Destinations do not require a visa for French citizens. But you can now apply for a simplified travel authorization whether you are flying to America, Asia, Africa or Oceania.


Source: https://www.e-visa-application.com/travel-formalities-with-evisa/

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